Iron Mountain Road Climb Level of Difficulty: Difficult
(5200′ total climbing) Riding Time: 5 hours
Printable Area Map: Iron
Mountain Climb (Adobe
Acrobat required) Season to Ride: Summer through Early Fall Description: Wow…
every time I do this ride, I promise myself to do it more often. The ride
is scenic, has generally light traffic (though sometimes on weekends...
Read MoreDeer Valley Ponderosa Loop
Shingle Springs / Deer Valley / Ponderosa Loop Level of Difficulty: Moderate
(1700′ total climbing) Riding Time: 2 hours
Printable Area Map: Deer Valley / Ponderosa
Loop (Adobe
Acrobat required) Season to Ride: All year
– except coldest winter days. Ideal in Spring and Fall. Summer
afternoons may be too hot. Description: This is a
good ride at lower elevations...
Read MoreWinter Season
The winter season in Northern California is filled with unpredictable weather. So far it has been cold. Everyone is in great anticipation of some much needed rain. The recent forecast does have rain on the radar. The ski resorts wish it would just snow for days. Boa Vista Orchards is featuring apple donuts and hot...
Read MoreMary Poppins
“Hey come to auditions tomorrow and see how it goes” [Michelle, Karen, Peter] . It was this statement of encouragement that set me up for a new adventure in my life. I found an audition song, and made my way to the stage. I got through the first few lines of the song, whew. The...
Read MoreApple Hill Cable Road Loop
Cable Road Loop Level of Difficulty:
Moderate (2000′ total climbing) Riding Time: 2 hours (moderate
Printable Area Map: Cable
Rd. Loop (Adobe
Acrobat required) Season to Ride: Spring
through Summer Description: One of the most favorite
local rides. Very scenic all the way throughout. Can be ridden
Spring, Summer and on warmer winter days. Avoid riding during...
Read more